The Flemish government has launched an initiative to promote the transition to electric driving through attractive incentives. These incentives apply not only to individuals, but also to non-profit organizations and car-sharing companies that purchase and register an electric car in the Flemish Region. Let’s look at all the crucial details in this comprehensive exploration.

Who does the premium apply to?

Individuals, non-profit organizations and car-sharing companies in the Flemish Region can benefit from the premium. Individuals are entitled to the premium for one purchase, while larger organizations can do so multiple times, with a ceiling of 3,000 euros per new car purchase. Importantly, traditional businesses are not eligible because they already enjoy favorable tax treatment.

Main conditions:

On paper, the premium is intended for cars with no CO2 emissions. In practice, however, the premium only benefits electric cars with a price tag no higher than 40,000 euros. For used electric cars, a maximum original purchase price of 60,000 euros applies.

What is special is that for used cars, it is not the price on the original invoice, but the list price without options that applies. As a result, any discount from the first owner does not count, but options from the time are also excluded.


More importantly:

Used electric cars must be at least three years old, but not more than eight years old.

Are there fine print?

Yes, there are some important points to note. Individuals can only take advantage of the premium once and must keep their electric car for at least three years. If you sell the car within this period, the government can and will reclaim the premium. This also applies if you move to an address outside the Flemish Region within that period. Transactions between private individuals are not eligible for the discount; for used cars with a premium discount, you must contact a professional dealer such as EVshop.

How does it work in practice?

The Department of Mobility and Public Works has launched a user-friendly web portal where applicants must register within 90 days of signing the sales agreement. After the delivery of the electric car, applicants must upload a copy of the invoice, proof of payment and proof of registration. Flanders will then transfer the premium to the applicant’s account. Please note that applicants will have to advance the amount for several months.

Electric cars already ordered:

For those who ordered an electric car after Sept. 25, 2023, there is good news: the premium can be applied retroactively. However, the condition is that the car is put into service after Jan. 1, 2024. It is important to note that if the car has already received a license plate, it is not eligible. It is advisable to wait a while before putting the car into circulation if it is received before Jan. 1.