Are you considering buying an electric car? Find out how you can benefit from the premium for electric cars in Flanders. Here you can read all about the conditions, the application process and recent developments surrounding this incentive.

Which vehicles are eligible?

The premium applies to zero-emission cars registered from Jan. 1, 2024, and ordered no earlier than Sept. 25, 2023. This includes vehicles in categories M1 (passenger transport), N1 (transport of goods up to 3,500 kilograms) and L7e-C (heavy micro city cars). Both new and used cars are eligible, with used cars having been in service for the first time a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 8 years ago.

Purchase price and premium amount

The car can cost up to €40,000 (including VAT) for new cars and the original list value cannot exceed €60,000 (including VAT) for used cars. The premium is €5,000 for newly purchased cars and €3,000 for used cars.

Electric cars may only be purchased from traders or dealers such as EVshop and not directly from individuals.

Application process

Applying for the premium involves two steps. First, you must apply within 90 days of signing the sales agreement via the web application on the Flemish Government’s website in this link:

Electric car premium

Step two involves completing the application within 90 days of registering the car, where you must submit the necessary documents, including a copy of the invoice, proof of payment and the registration certificate.

Recent decision of the Flemish government

On Feb. 9, the Flemish government gave the green light for the premium, despite some criticisms from the Council of State about its financial feasibility. With a new proposal, Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters convinced the Flemish government, which reached an agreement to grant the premium to those who meet the set conditions.


With the premium for electric cars, the Flemish Government encourages the transition to sustainable mobility. By opting for a zero-emission car, you not only contribute to a cleaner environment, but also enjoy financial benefits. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this incentive by EVshop and invest in a greener future on the road.